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CommercialTrucks Search Engine

More 1991 International 4900's For Sale, Parts, Repairs, How To Fix, Manuals, Online Store, Videos, Images, Restorations, Shows, Events, Auctions, Classifieds, Clubs, News, Blogs, Forums, Magazines, Die Cast Models
Address: Marshfield, Wisconsin Mileage: 204,000
Transmission: 13 Spd Engine: International
Vin Number: 1HTSHNHT9MH301082 Doors: Roll up
Item Class:  Heavy Duty Trucks / Farm/Grain Truck
Engine Type: DT466 Horsepower: 250
Fuel Type: Diesel Engine Brake: No
Suspension: Hendrickson Ratio: 4.44
Tires: 22.5 Wheels: Spoke
Wheelbase: 254 in Rear Axles: Tandem
Front Axle Wt: 16,000 lb Rear Axle Wt: 40,000 lb
Length: 20 ft Over Drive: Yes
New or Used: Used
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Photo #0081895A Photo #0081895B
Engine Replaced with a used engine with 54,000 miles on overhaul. 20' Dakota Aluminum Grain Body. Trifold Rear Doors, Grain Chute, Tarp Ready, Need additional information?? Call our experienced sales team at and we’ll be happy to provide you with a detailed description of any unit we have in stock! We can email you additional photos of the interior or exterior from any angle, pictures of tire treads, engine compartment, or any other items of interest.; Gross Vehicle Weight (lbs): 56000; 6x4
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