2007 VOLVO VNL64T780
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Address: Gulfport, Mississippi | |
Transmission: Ultrashift | |
Engine: Volvo | |
Doors: Roll up | |
Item Class: Heavy Duty Trucks / Conventional Truck w/ Sleeper |
Engine Type: D-12 | |
Horsepower: 470 | |
Fuel Type: Diesel | |
Engine Brake: Yes | |
Suspension: Air Ride | |
Ratio: 355 | |
Tires: 265 22.5 LP | |
Wheels: Aluminum | |
Wheelbase: 230 in | |
Rear Axles: Tandem | |
Front Axle Wt: 12,000 lb | |
Rear Axle Wt: 38,000 lb | |
Sleeper Size: 78 in | |
Sleeper: Double Deck Condo | |
Over Drive: Yes | |
New or Used: Used | |
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"NO CREDIT-CK - BAD CREDIT OK" $6,500.00 Cash Or Trade-In Truck, Car, Motorbike. DO YOU HAVE THE WORSE CREDIT IT'S OK WITH US YOUR STILL APPROVED!, ((Ask About Our FREE 30 Day Warranty And Our 48 Month Warranty)), ((PAYMENTS YOU CAN AFFORD)), Most All Of Our Trucks Do Have Maintenance Records., V E R Y W E L L MAINTAINED. WE HAVE 20 OF THESE TRUCKS COMING OFF LEASE SO THEY ARE TRICKLING IN EACH MONTH. THIS TRUCK COMES WITH NEW BATTERIES, NO RIPS IN THE UPHOLSTE RY, NEW TIRES or 85%, ALUMS, LIGHT KITS, NO OIL LEAKS, NO BLOW BY, WELL MAINTAINED WITH RECORDS, WE DO NOT BUY REPO TRUCKS We buy well-maintained truck fleets, trade-in's From Dealerships Like Rush Peterbilt & Others. New Inventory Arriving Daily Over 45 New Trucks Coming In Each Month... Se Habla Espanol, please call one of our management team. Mark Hall, Gary Hunt or Billy Rusher, . After Hours Billy Cell Gary Cell, Our pricing is so low that our trucks do not stay on the lot very long. We try to, keep up with our fast-moving inventory and maintain good pictures on the ads; however, please call us before you visit the dealership or if you have any questions., is a division of united truck group, llc.; Gross Vehicle Weight (lbs): 80000
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