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2011 PETERBILT 386.
2011 PETERBILT 386
More 2011 Peterbilt 386's For Sale, Parts, Repairs, How To Fix, Manuals, Online Store, Videos, Images, Restorations, Shows, Events, Auctions, Classifieds, Clubs, News, Blogs, Forums, Magazines, Die Cast Models
Address: Kansas City, Kansas Transmission: 13 Spd
Engine: Paccar Doors: Roll up
Item Class:  Heavy Duty Trucks / Conventional Truck w/ Sleeper
Engine Type: MX Horsepower: 485
Engine Brake: Yes Suspension: Low Air
Ratio: 355 Tires: 22.5
Wheels: Polished Aluminum Wheelbase: 236 in
Sleeper Size: 70 in Sleeper: Ultracab
Over Drive: Yes New or Used: New
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Here's one that makes cents... 386 70"HR Paccar MX485 HP, 13 speed, Airrride front axle, DSP41 rears, on Low leaf, SPL250HD Driveline, Chrome gear stick, remote lubes, alum air tanks and an extra one for customer use, Weed burner exhaust, 236"wb, Alum wheels, polished doors on battery and tool box, Side chassis farings, and side extenders with rubber lips, ordered with no visor and cab lights, (like a blank canvas... add what you want.) Grey Prestige inteior, with keyless remote, 2 beds, refrigerator, factory CB, Smart sound cab insulation, dump switches for spread axle trailer., This truck is Grey with Grey interior, It is built to make cents... like Grey Matter., If you are lookin to save fuel and look cool this ones for you., Please contact your KC Pete sales person.
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