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CommercialTrucks Search Engine

2009 KENWORTH T660.
2009 KENWORTH T660
More 2009 Kenworth T660's For Sale, Parts, Repairs, How To Fix, Manuals, Online Store, Videos, Images, Restorations, Shows, Events, Auctions, Classifieds, Clubs, News, Blogs, Forums, Magazines, Die Cast Models

Address: El Paso, Texas Mileage: 425,000
Transmission: 10 Spd Engine: Cummins
Doors: Roll up
Item Class:  Heavy Duty Trucks / Conventional Truck w/ Sleeper
Engine Type: ISX Horsepower: 475
Engine Brake: Yes Suspension: Air Ride
Ratio: 3.25 Tires: 22.5LP
Wheels: Aluminum Wheelbase: 230 in
Sleeper Size: 72 in Sleeper: Hi Rise Sleeper
New or Used: Used
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Photo #0110936A Photo #0110936B
Objective: Cut fuel consumption to the bone. Result: The new T660, Kenworth’s most highly evolved aerodynamic long-haul conventional. Ever. The T660, like all Kenworth products, is designed to be easy to maintain. This coupled with its leading-edge aerodynamics, reliability and high resale value make it an excellent investment. MANY COLORS, 14 TO CHOOSE FROM 2008 & 2009. BRAND NEW RUBBER ALL AROUND - DON'T WAIT - WON'T LAST LONG....CALL TODAY
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