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CommercialTrucks Search Engine

More 2003 Peterbilt 359Exhd's For Sale, Parts, Repairs, How To Fix, Manuals, Online Store, Videos, Images, Restorations, Shows, Events, Auctions, Classifieds, Clubs, News, Blogs, Forums, Magazines, Die Cast Models

Address: Gulfport, Mississippi Transmission: 18 Spd
Engine: Caterpillar Vin Number: 3D592615
Doors: Roll up
Item Class:  Heavy Duty Trucks / Conventional Truck w/ Sleeper
Engine Type: CAT C-15 Horsepower: 500
Fuel Type: Diesel Engine Brake: Yes
Sleeper Size: 63 in Sleeper: Flat Top Sleeper
Over Drive: Yes New or Used: Used
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Photo #0108336A Photo #0108336B Photo #0108336C
TRUCKS WE SELL FOR CASH WE DO GO THROUGH THE POWER TRAIN. STRONG TRADE-IN TERMS, NOCREDITCK DOES NOT BUY TRUCKS AT AUCTIONS. AUCTION TRUCKS THEY NO RECORDS, AUCTION TRUCK ARE REPOS, AND YOU JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU GET. NOCREDITCK BUYS TRUCKS FROM RUSH PETERBILT, KENWORTH DEALERS, PETERBILT DEALERS, THESE TRUCKS ARE TRADE INS., OR, MAKE PAYMENTS (((NO ONE IS TURN DOWN))) **BAD CREDIT OKâ€"REPOS OK-WORSE CREDIT EVER STILL OK** ((WITH PAYMENTS YOU CAN AFFORD)) UNDER THIS PROGRAM THERE IS A FREE 30 DAY BUMPER TO BUMPER WARRANTY AFTER YOU RECEIVE A 48 MONTH WARRANTY limited 50/50 in our shop so must engine rebuilts will cost you $3,880.00, most new rebuit trans will cost you $1,400. we do have a free towing program limited., WANT TO MAKE PAYMENTS W/ A LOW CASH OR TRADE-IN DOWN PAYMENT ? WHEN WE SELL OUR LOAN TO A INVESTOR FOR YOU THE OWNER OF OUR COMPANY PUTS UP HIS CREDIT, DEALERSHIP LAND, OWNERS HOME & ALL OF HIS ASSETS. SO NATIONAL TRUCK CREDIT LLC., OR TRUCK CAPITAL LLC., CAN PUT YOU INTO A PAYMENT PROGRAM THAT WE CAN BOTH LIVE WITH. THE INVESTOR REQUIRES OUR COMPANY TO BUY NEW TIRES OR 85% TIRES, 118 POINT INSPECTION MOTOR FOR BLOW BY, OIL LEAKS, WARE . TRANS OIL LEAKS, REAR ENDS OIL LEAKS, BRAKES OIL LEAKS AND WARE, ALL SUSPENSION INCLUDES KING PINS. The Price of the truck must go up to cover the cost of all of these Great Items. We need to make sure you make it so you can keep making your payments if you don't make your payments we both lose. or Cell, BUSINESS SUCCESS the way I see it. This vision, this dream, this goal, invisible to all the world except the person holding it, is responsible for perhaps every great advance and achievement of humankind. It's the underlying motive for just about everything we see about us. Everything worthwhile achieved by men and women is a dream come true, a goal reached. It's been said that what the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. It's the fine building where before there was an empty lot or an old eyesore. It's the bridge spanning the bay. It's landing on the moon. And it's that little convenience store in Midtown New Orleans. It's the lovely home on a tree-shaded street and the young person accepting the diploma. It's a low golf handicap and a position reached in the world of business. It's a certain income attained or amount of money invested. What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. We become what we think about. And when we're possessed by an exciting goal, we reach it. That's why it's been said, "Be choosy, therefore, of what you set your heart upon. For if you want it strongly enough, you'll get it." Americans can have anything they want. The trouble is they don't know what they want. Oh, they want little things. They want a new car; they get it. They want a new refrigerator; they get it. They want a new home and they get it. The system never fails for them, but they don't seem to understand that it is a system. Nor that if it'll work for a refrigerator or a new car, it will work for anything else they want very much, just as well. Now, success doesn't lie in the achievement of a goal, although that's what the world considers success; it lies in the journey toward the goal. We're successful as long as we're working toward something we want to bring about in our lives. That's when the human being is at his or her best. That's what Cervantes meant when he wrote, "The road is better than the inn." We're at our best when we're climbing, thinking, planning, working. nocreditck is a division of united truck group, llc., 03 PETE 379EXHD FLAT-TOP, MUST SACRIFICE, WELL MAINTAINED, MAINTENANCE RECORDS, C-15 500HP 1-TURBO, JAKE, NO BLOW BY, 18 SPD, NO OIL LEAKS, 63" H/R, NEW TIRES, 30 DAY 50/50 WARRANTY limited, BIG 18" VORTEX, AMERICAN CLASS, SK:2612, $38,989.00 CELL MS se habla espanol
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